The Condition and Valuation Survey is the most comprehensive type of survey and is typically requested before purchasing a new or used vessel. Many lending institutions require a C&V survey prior to purchase.
The cosmetic appearance, structural integrity, electrical, mechanical, plumbing, and propulsion systems are examined as well as the electronics and navigation equipment. Compliance with federal requirements, ABYC and NFPA standards is checked. When possible a seatrial is recommended.
All testing is non-destructive. Prior approval of all parties is required for any type of destructive testing or core-sampling. In addition to visual inspection, percussion testing (hammer tapping) is performed on structural composites to reveal any delamination, air voids, blistering, cracking or crazing. Moisture content is checked via electronic conductivity meter.
These details and the fair market value for the vessel, will be included in a detailed report along with recommendations for all notable problems.